
My vision for the goaltending community puts an emphasis on collaboration and the sharing of information, philosophies, and training methods. I have been lucky to work with and learn from some of the most knowledgeable and passionate coaches around, and enjoy paying that opportunity forward.

I am available for:






Every year, goaltenders are becoming more and more skilled. It’s important to stay current with the latest training methods and information to ensure that we are always striving to improve as coaches in order to develop our athletes. The main concern I hear from parents is the lack of attention in practice and limited knowledge about the position on youth teams.

I can and want to help!

ASSOCIATIONS: Steer your coaches my way. Come see what we do at camp and let me assist in forming practice plans to help you gain the knowledge and experience to best help your goalies during the season. When your coaches come to be mentored at my camp, they will leave with the resources needed to build a strong foundation of goaltending in your organization.

CAMP HOSTS: I'd like to use my 14 year professional career and 19 years of coaching experience to compliment the quality of your instruction and positively impact goaltending in the region. I am an open book when it comes to sharing training methods and techniques for the betterment of goaltending as a whole. Email me for an opportunity to come see what we do at JPL as a guest coach at any one of my June Camps.